Your icing should be dry to the touch so when you touch it, nothing comes off on your finger. If that was moist and fresh and I touched it I would have icing on my finger tips. Now I’m going to take my towel and lay it across the top of my cake and gently rub it.
As I do this my fingers are leveling out the surface and the cake will pick up the texture of the paper towel. I have another paper towel that I use that has a very smooth texture. Do you see that pretty little texture on the cake?
Now we’re going to continue around the side because I want the sides of the cake to look as pretty as the top of the cake. I am just rubbing my hands up and down and back and forth. hen I run out of paper towel I just pull it off and reposition it and continue.
Now I’ve come back full circle to where I started. And this is where I just come back to see if I missed any spots. Right here I got a wrinkle in the icing, I’ll just go back over that with my paper towel and smooth it again.
See her where I have just a few little dips and divots in the cake, I’m just going to smooth them out a little more with that paper towel. And that’s my preferred method to giving a nice smooth professional look to a cake.
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